Back to School Allergy Tips

young girl at school with a mask on

How to Handle Your Child’s Allergies at School

School is just around the corner — and we know you have plenty to do! In addition to getting your child’s annual physical and some new school supplies, it’s important to take preventative measures that help manage their allergies during the school day.

Communicate With Teachers and Staff

Whether your child is moving to a new school or just preparing for a new school year, contacting their teachers, nurses, and other school personnel can’t hurt.

Schools can be full of many allergy triggers — from dust and mold to another child’s snack. Inform them about your child’s allergies, and use these tips to make sure everyone at school can support your little one:

  • Ask if the school takes health measures such as high-efficiency air filters and closing the windows on high pollen count days.
  • Make sure your emergency contact information is updated.
  • Drop off any rescue inhalers or medication they may need in the event of an allergic reaction or asthma attack.
  • Learn if there is an allergy-friendly table in classrooms and the lunchroom.

Choose Allergy-Friendly Snacks

At times, food allergies can pop up for the first time out of nowhere — especially if your child is having a snack at school. To be safe, your child should have an allergy test as part of their school preparation checklist.

While there are plenty of snacks that your child should avoid if they have a food allergy, there are plenty that they can have. Reading nutrition labels and stocking up before the school year kicks off is a great way to ensure your little one’s lunch box is fully prepared.

Here are some snack options to add to your grocery list.

Be sure to check the label on each snack for the most accurate ingredient information. In addition to choosing snacks for your child to bring to school, make sure to educate them on what they can and cannot eat. Consider writing a note in their agenda or on a flashcard, and remind them never to share snacks with their peers.

Stock Up on Allergy Medication

Whether your child has food allergies or seasonal allergies, it’s important to have allergy drops, inhalers, nasal sprays, and EpiPens at home before the first day of school. Your child should have a stock of medicine at home, on their person, and with the school nurse. Check the expiration date on what you have at home, and contact your allergist if you need a new script.

If your child has allergy shot appointments, it would also be a good idea to adjust this schedule to make sure the time doesn’t interfere with school or extracurricular activities.

Visit Our Arlington Allergist for Additional Help

Using these tips can help your child have a safe, healthy, and happy school year — but you may need a bit more help preparing. If your child has undiagnosed or unmanageable allergies, you should bring them in for an appointment before the school year starts.

At Cure Allergy Clinic, our team specializes in diagnosing and treating short-term and chronic allergy and asthma conditions, including:

  • Environmental allergies.
  • Food allergies.
  • Asthma.
  • Eczema.
  • Sinusitis.

We are proud to be a trusted resource for high-quality integrative care for patients in and around Arlington, Texas, including the communities of Dallas, Irving, Hurst, Euless, Bedford, Coppell, and Fort Worth.

Help your child seek the relief they need to breathe easier and manage their allergies today by scheduling your first consultation with our team: (817) 774-9320.

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